Gala Committee

Xin Lin
Hi WIB! I'm Xin (Shin) Lin, and I am a second-year Finance student with a minor in Classics on the Greek Path. I am involved with the Asian Business Student Association, Fisher FIRST, Global Leadership Initiative, Delta Phi Lambda Sorority Inc., Buckeye Ventures, China Entrepreneur Network, and STEP. Outside of academics, I enjoy exploring my interest in music production (DJ!), self-care, hitting the gym, traveling, and promoting mental health awareness in the minority community. Some fun facts about me are that I have been traveling alone since I was 15 (my favorite cities are LA and Boston); I was also in Civil Air Patrol for a year.
I truly believe in the importance of establishing more women leaders in the business world, especially as an Asian American. To me, WIB nourishes a positive environment that develops future female business leaders. I look forward to working closely with my committee members and making our annual gala a memorable experience for everyone!

Maggie Shull
Hi, I’m Maggie Shull!! I am a third-year finance major from the Cincinnati area. I love hanging out with friends, skiing, shopping, and traveling whenever I get the chance. I joined WIB my freshman year, and it’s been an incredible community to be apart of ever since. WIB has given me amazing opportunities, lifelong friendships, and unforgettable experiences. I’m really looking forward to working on the gala committee this year and helping create an amazing event!

Kiyana Patel
Hi! I’m Kiyana and I’m a second year majoring in operations management with a minor in entrepreneurship and innovation. I love painting, traveling and going on morning walks. A fun fact is I’m from Kenya:) I am super excited to be part of the gala committee this year. With my committee, I am looking forward to putting together some fun raffle baskets.