No matter what area of business you work in, adjusting to and learning new technologies always requires some additional effort. Technology can influence business for the better and make things become more efficient, but it also can be a hassle to learn and to achieve success. Technology has changed the world in so many ways, and it will continue to do so.
In marketing specifically, technology is frequently being advanced to create a better experience for the customer. Some new technology has a bigger and lasting impact on the industry, such as social media and eCommerce. It’s not always the new technology that is hard to learn, it’s understanding how to properly and effectively utilize the technology to increase sales and better the customer experience.
I contacted a UBWA alumna named Ashley Urbansky to speak on behalf of this post. Ashley graduated from OSU in 2012 with a specialization in marketing, and has had numerous experiences growing within different sectors of the field.
With Ashley’s help and advice, I have compiled some of the best strategies for adjusting to new technology in marketing while still keeping customers engaged.
1) Be passionate, ready to learn, and always strive to improve!
While technology is flowing in and out of marketing, it is very important to keep yourself engaged and ready to learn with your work. While it may not always be easy to teach and learn new technology at the same time, having a positive attitude can make a big impact to create a better experience for your customers or other teammates.
2) Subscribe to newsletters and complete training(s) online to stay ahead of the technology curve!
A great way to keep yourself up to date with new marketing techniques is to subscribe to newsletters pertaining to new technology. It can also be beneficial to complete training courses online. Websites like Facebook have resources that can help you learn these skills, and these can be added to your resume or LinkedIn skills. Any new technology or general skills learned on your part will look appealing to an employer.
3) Remember that consumer satisfaction is still the priority in business, even with new technology developing.
Even while new technology and skills are being discovered in marketing, it is still important to maintain customer relations. Ashley states, “Strive to provide the best experience so there’s only good things to say!” Customers are the key to success in a company, so it is vital to keep the relationship strong!
4) Utilize media to fit your goal and create a bond with the customers.
Ashley mentioned the term “programmatic advertising,” which refers to setting up campaigns for a direct audience. It helps eliminate excess media, and precisely contacts the customers. An example she made is if you’re selling a kids-only product, it wouldn’t be beneficial to advertise to people without children. Advertising to a specific audience can be incredibly efficient, but it’s important to understand your customers and what keeps them engaged. If you are marketing to college kids, for example, it might be a good choice to use apps to advertise the product because that is what the majority of college students utilize.
5) The sooner you try new technology, the sooner you can reach a new consumer segment and increase business success!
If you are the first brand to try a new technology, there are the positives of less competition with other brands and fewer costs. Ashley made a comment that said, “It’s my philosophy to take some risks and try things out, then learn & continue or learn & pivot (fast!)” The important thing to note is that trying new technology to improve business strategies will always be associated with some risks, but sometimes the risks can lead to great rewards!
Even though I focused on marketing, navigating new technology and utilizing it efficiently is vital to all aspects of business. There are several ways to implement new technology through advertising or communication within the business, and often there will be risks associated with it. Although it can be tricky to try new things while keeping focus on the customers, there is always opportunity to make a great impact on the company. Thank you to Ashley Urbansky for giving me insight into new technology in marketing, along with ways to keep consumer satisfaction strong.
If you have any specific questions, or would like to chat further about anything discussed, please feel free to email me at